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Asp List Files In Directory

Auto generate SQL Server restore script from backup files in a directory. This was really helpful for me, I was looking for a way to automating restoring a database from the backup files we have on NAS. The one problem I ran into with this script was that it didnt actually look at the time the file was created. With some fairly large databases, occasionally a transaction log backup job will run during the same time our full backup job is running. Using the file names, the script picks up that TRN file thats been created while the BAK is running. But ,really that log is for the previous full backup. So I expanded on the idea and instead of just the basic name of the files in the folder I included the datetime the file was created. Then I expaned the I parsed out the date time and the name to a two column table. That way when I picked the most recent BAK I could choose it by created date. Then I choose TRN files created after the BAK was created. Learn how to work with static files in ASP. NET Core. This is the snippet Get all Files and Subdirectory Names Within a Path Without Recursion on FreeVBCode. The FreeVBCode site provides free Visual Basic code, examples. Main_page.png' alt='Asp List Files In Directory' title='Asp List Files In Directory' />Just helps when you might have some funky things going on between the creation time and the naming of the files. Happy to share not pretty but works. DECLARE file. List TABLE backup. File NVARCHAR2. 55 DECLARE cmd as varchar1. Declare backuppath as varchar1. DECLARE last. Full. Backup NVARCHAR5. DECLARE backup. File NVARCHAR5. DECLARE db. Name sysname DECLARE Data. Name         varchar 2. Asp List Files In Directory' title='Asp List Files In Directory' />Log. Name          varchar 2. Logical. Name      varchar2. Physical. Name     varchar2. Physical. File. Data varchar2. UploadFile/akkiraju/list-all-files-in-a-folder-based-on-file-extension-in-asp-ne/Images/Image%201.jpg' alt='Asp List Files In Directory' title='Asp List Files In Directory' />Physical. File. Log varchar2. SET backup. Path 1. StorageSQLBackupsdbxxSET cmd DIR backup. Path FIND Set db. Name dbxxINSERT INTO file. Listbackup. File EXEC master. Listdelete tmp where backup. File like dirselect castleftbackup. File,CHARINDEXM,backupfile as datetimeas created,substringbackupfile,CHARINDEXTMW,backup. File,1. 00 as filenameinto tmp. Qt Update Gui From Thread. Full. Backup  filename from tmp. MAXcreated from tmp. RIGHTfilename,3 bakcreate table filelist Logical. Name varchar2. 55, Physical. Name varchar2. 55, Type varchar2. File. Group. Name varchar2. Size varchar2. 0, Max. Size varchar2. 0,                                    File. ASP. NET is an opensource serverside web application framework designed for web development to produce dynamic web pages. It was developed by Microsoft to allow. Id int,Create. LSN bit, Drop. LSN bit, Unique. ID varchar2. Read. Only. LSn bit, Read. Write. LSN bit, backup. Size. In. Bytes varchar5. Source. Block. Size int,                                    File. Groupid Int, Log. Group. GUID varchar2. Differential. Base. LSN varchar2. 55,Differential. Base. GUID  varchar2. Read. Only bit, Is. Present bit,TDEThumbprint varchar2. SELECT CMD RESTORE FILELISTONLY FROM disk backup. Path last. Full. Backup  insert filelist exec cmd SELECT Data. Name  LOGICALNAME FROM filelist WHERE TYPE DSELECT LOGName  LOGICALNAME FROM filelist WHERE TYPE Lselect Physical. File. Data reversesubstringreversertrimPhysical. Name,1,patindex,reversertrimPhysical. Name 1  from filelist where type Dselect Physical. File. Log reversesubstringreversertrimPhysical. Name,1,patindex,reversertrimPhysical. Name 1  from filelist where type DSET CMD RESTORE DATABASE dbxx FROM DISK          backup. Path last. Full. Backup WITH FILE 1,        MOVE DATAName TO D SQLDATA physicalfiledata  ,         MOVE Log. Name TO D SQLLOGS physicalfile. LOG ,         REPLACE, STATS 1. NORECOVERYPRINT cmd DECLARE backup. Files CURSOR FOR  SELECT filename  FROM tmp. Full. Backuporder by created. OPEN backup. Files   Loop through all the files for the database  FETCH NEXT FROM backup. Files INTO backup. File  WHILE FETCHSTATUS 0  BEGIN     SET cmd RESTORE LOG db. Name FROM DISK          backup. Path backup. File WITH NORECOVERY    PRINT cmd    FETCH NEXT FROM backup. Bosch Battery Tester Bat 121 Manual here. Files INTO backup. File  END CLOSE backup. Files  DEALLOCATE backup. Files   6 put database in a useable state SET cmd RESTORE DATABASE db. Name WITH NORECOVERY PRINT cmd drop table tmpdrop table tmp.